Our group is involved in a variety of outreach activities in particle physics. The activities span from public lectures, to open days, to involvement in ATLAS outreach and to masterclasses held at the institute and/or at local high schools.
If you, your teacher or your school is interested in learning more about particle physics, feel free to contact us.
Find out more about projects we're involved in
- Masterclasses
do a particle physics measurment at your school or together with students from around the world at our institute - Open Day in Garching 2018
we'll be part of the programme on 13 October 2018
and general particle physics outreach projects / sources
- The ATLAS Experiment
the official web site of the experiment with loads of material and links - Build Your Own Particle Detector by Sascha Mehlhase
build a detector using plastic bricks and learn something about physics, both at your school and at the institute - CERN - The European Organization for Nuclear Research
the official web site of the place to be in particle physics - Netzwerk Teilchenwelt [German]
workshops, material, events on particle physics for students, teachers and others - The Particle Adventure
get a first idea of particle physics - Weltmaschine [German]
find out all about particle physics at the Large Hadron Collider in Germany