Detector development
The LS Schaile hardware-group is currently working on research and development of Micromegas and GEM micro pattern gaseous detectors, small diameter (15 mm) drift-tube detectors and position sensitive scintillating detectors with silicon photomultiplier readout. Driven by the requirements of the ATLAS muon spectrometer we are focussing currently on Micromegas detectors, high-resolution, high-rate-capable micromesh based micro pattern gaseous detectors. They are able to measure muon tracks very precisely, even in high rate environments, and are foreseen for the upgrade of the Small Wheel part of the ATLAS muon spectrometer.
The Small Wheel of the ATLAS muon spectrometer will be replaced in 2018 by modern technology. Micromegas detectors are foreseen as replacement of the monitored drift-tube (MDT) and cathode strip (CSC) detectors. LMU Munich assembles and commissions one fourth of the Micromegas modules in collaboration with other German institutes in Würzburg, Freiburg and Mainz.
For the present ATLAS muon spectrometer, LMU Munich has commissioned and calibrated 88 BOS MDT chambers (Barrel Outer Small). These chambers are situated on the outer rim of the cylindrical part of ATLAS and are not subject to replacement. In general, the muon spectrometer consists of three layers of drift and trigger chambers, that have been built in collaborations of institutes all over the world.
The LMU Munich Cosmic Ray Facility (CRF) was used to thoroughly test and calibrate the BOS chambers after commissioning in the anteroom. The CRF is foreseen in near future for calibration of large Micromegas detectors, square meters in size.
Further information can be found at the ATLAS homepage or on the info page of the German Particle Physicists.